Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Confessions of a Bachelor Hater

I've never really been into dating shows. They are way to forced for my liking. Plus I feel like reality TV makes people crazy and when you add that to dating, which also makes people crazy, you get one big bowl of cray cray soup. Well, last weekend while I sat in Starbucks bored out of my tree I decided to watch something entertaining. I got sucked into the world of The Bachelor Canada. IT'S AWFUL! It's such a bad show. These women are probably a little nuts to begin with but when you put them all in one room full of video cameras it intensifies the crazy. Any who, here is a list of  three reasons for my complete and utter dislike of The Bachelor:

1. All these girls are selected based on their looks and how out-there their personality is, basically they choose people who would be entertaining on TV

2. 1 guy dating 10 women at a time while they all live in the same house is just a bad idea. Skeazy guys who date multiple women at the same time don't even let the other women know each other.

3. Girls are super caty. So when they all want the same thing (the Bachelor) but there is only one they pull out their claws and go to war. Not a good look.

So there you have it. Three of many reasons why The Bachelor is utter trash. Unfortunately I have been infected and must finish this season. BAH!

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