Monday, 7 January 2013

And We're Back!

The holidays are officially over. We're home, we're both back at work and all of our friends and family are back home and back to school. We had a phenomenal holiday (more on that tomorrow). Its a new year and it's going to be a big year. We're looking into new jobs, going back to school, insane renovations, weddings, possibly a trip and who knows what else. But no new year is complete without resolutions, even though no one ever really sticks to them. But maybe this blog will help me stick to them because they are publicly documented. So here goes, a list of resolutions for 2013:

1. Read my bible every day. Thats kind of a no brainer. I'll let you know what study I'm going to do this week.

2. Clean my house at least once a week. Working full time and all the other things that fill up our life mean that I often neglect my house. But not this year, at least once a week I'm going to clean my house!

3. Wash my makeup off every night. I am the worst. I never, ever wash my makeup off at night and apparently thats back for your face, so it's time to grow up and start washing my face. Haha! And I'm adding flossing to this one. Every time I wash my face I'm going to floss. We'll see if this one holds up.

4. Read 12 books this year. I used to love reading but University took the fun out of it. So now that I'm no longer a student I cant wait to dive back into the world of literature.

5. Walk to work at least once a week. I live less than 15 minutes away from work but I drive there every day. Mostly because I don't want to wake up earlier and it's really cold outside in the winter. But it's a waste of gas and I need to get outside.

So there is the list. I kept it short and simple for a reason, so that it is doable. I'll be doing an update of how I'm sticking to my resolutions every few months. Here's to a new year!

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