The saying "you are what you eat" is often brushed aside with a guffaw and a snide comment about not being a cheeseburger. Our body is constantly regenerating and rebuilding itself. Some cells take longer to regenerate than others but, besides brain and some cells in the nervous system, human being regenerate a new body every seven years. The building blocks and fuel we use is the food we eat. So you're going to want to be eating the very best to have the best body possible. So this begs the question: what is in your cart? Are you loading up on good, nutritious food that is going to make you stronger? Or are you filling up on processes garbage that is going to cause heart disease, obesity, cancer, diabetes, strokes, speed up aging, illness, IBS, eczema, psoriasis, and on and on and on and on... Grocery shopping for us has changed a lot in the past six months. The majority (95%) of our grocery cart is produce and the other 5% is usually stuff like nuts, flax, bread, chia, oil (coconut or olive [avocado soon hopefully]), baking ingredients, pasta, quinoa, rice, tomato sauce, fish, coconut milk, etc, etc. Basically produce is the majority of what we're buying and eating right now. And it's working out awesome cost wise. Our food budget is $75 a week. Before we started going vegetable based it was a stretch to get all our food in under $75, and often times we would go over. Now it's a lot easier to stay under budget and we get a lot more bang for our buck! Basically we're loving vegetable based, and there is no looking back.